Cheap phone sex is for tranny lovers too. Look at me all gussied up for the club the other night. Can you tell I have a ten-inch cock? Do not lie. My guess is seeing me looking like a sexy bitch does not make you wonder if I have a cock bigger than you tucked inside my panties. For most men however, the surprise is what I call a pleasant present. Tony got the shock of his life Saturday night. He was hitting on me at the club. He was not giving up easily. I appreciate some effort and creativity when trying to pick me up. He was funny and handsome. Smart too. He was not hitting on other women in the club either. It was not a gay or trans bar, so there was no automatic assumption. In a gay club, men often are looking for a sexy shemale like myself, but in a straight club they assume I am all woman because I look like I am all woman.
Tony was shocked when my cock made a surprise appearance in bed. He took a few minutes before he spoke. I am always a little antsy at that time. That awkward silence can go either way. Tony fell to his knees and sucked my cock. He admitted that I was his first shemale, but that he has been curious about girls like me. He thought about a shemale dating app but was not sure if he would get catfished or not. It was his lucky day. When he was not even looking, he found a sexy shemale. He never thought about if he would be a top or a bottom. His dick was average. About 6 inches, so I made him a bottom. My bottom. I have a big cock. I can call the shots. I popped that back door cherry of his and he never came so hard. He wants me to fuck him again later tonight. After we have some taboo phone fun.