

Cheap phone sex slut Tasha

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Who’s ready to chat with Tasha, the nasty, cheap phone sex slut?! My pretty, pink pussy is hot and wet for your hard dick! You can listen to me slurp my cunt juices off of this big dildo that I just fucked myself with while you tell me what you want to talk about tonight. No fantasy is too freaky for me because I’ve done it all! I got started early when my Mom took off and left me with my Daddy and my brothers. They taught me how to use my sexy, tight body to get any and everything I could ever want! I’m still their cum dump fuck doll that they spoil rotten and I’m still hooked on the way Daddy’s fat, curved cock hit all the right spots! I’m waiting for Daddy to come over tonight and pull his thick, throbbing rod out for me. He knows that the minute I see it, I get soaked, excited and ready to do whatever it takes to drain his big balls! When you call we’re going to roleplay that you’re my Daddy, coming home to get your fat, stiff dick throated by your little slut daughter. Tell me how you’re going to hold my pretty face and fuck my slutty mouth! I can’t wait to take your hot load to the back of my throat! 

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