Hi, sissy boys and panty loving girly men. It’s Jackie, and I know all of your disgusting secrets.What do you think I’ll do with that secret ammunition? Oh, I’m going to force you into being a sissy. I did that with a man that thought he was safe from anyone knowing what a pervert he was. I caught him spying on women in the locker room at the gym and I took him into the showers. I made him scrub up while the women in the locker room laughed and ridiculed him. His face was crimson red, but his teeny clit was hard.
I tell all of my sissies that call for cheap phone sex about how I will treat them. Especially if I find out they are being voyeuristic cunts that are in need of punishment. My cruelty knows no bounds when it comes to erotic humiliaiton of a feminized bitch. I will degrade you and make you perform the lowest of tasks for me and the ladies I share you with. I took out that bitches gym bag and they had a 10 inch dildo inside. So, we took turns pegging his gaping asshole in the showers.