Cheap phone sex sadistics are who you call when you want to talk on the dark side. I am a sick bitch. I am not who you call when you want a girlfriend. I am who you call when you want to get rid of your girlfriend. Sometimes, I help men I know with their girlfriend problem. Alex has an ex-wife problem. Well, he had an ex-wife problem. I helped him get rid of that problem by getting rid of her. He gave me all the details I needed to kill her while he had an alibi. He was at a ball game with a bunch of friends and even on the jumbo cam thing while his ex was taking her last breath. I am an evil bitch, so I made her kill look Satanic. I enjoy that kind of sick shit. I carved her up. I put a pentagram on her belly. I wrote evil verses on the walls in her own blood. I even stole a few high-priced jewels and cash she had stashed in the house. I wanted it to be confusing. Was it a robbery gone wrong or was it a Satanic kill followed by a last minute decision to rob the place too. It was neither. It was kill for hire. One where the prime suspect has an airtight alibi and no link to the kill. That is because I am an expert accomplice phone sex partner on and off the phone. I have not been caught yet.