

Cheap phone sex With A Cheap, Trashy Whore

Cheap phone sexCheap phone sex is what I am offering.  Just like when I give some of my regs out in the street a discount.  Hell yes I do.  If it is Christmas, I will give a blowjob for 30 instead of the regular 40.  If I am in a really good mood, and I really like the guy, I will even fuck him for free.  That does not happen a lot, let me tell you.  I have one guy who I will fuck for free two times a week, that’s because even though I tell him it is free, he always gives me a couple hundred dollars for my time.  He told me straight up that he wants to be a Sugar Daddy to me.

I’m not so sure I would like that.  I mean I would like the money yeah, but having the same dick shoved into my fuck holes over and over again? No thanks.  I like variety.  I have a bonafide sex addiction.  It’s one of the reasons I do phone sex.  It’s a way for me to have sex without having sex.  My therapist is proud of me.  Ha!  I also strip, and then if I’m not too tired after my shifts I will go out and work a certain part of town for a few hours.

I have gotten myself into some pretty fucked up situations selling my hot ass out on the street.  For the most part though, it’s cool. That’s why this guy wants to ‘take care of me’, because it can be pretty dangerous out there.  I know it.  I don’t drink when I’m working, and I do not have a drug habit, so I have my wits about me and that keeps me safe …  most of the time.  I guess he is just saying that he cares, but I just want as much cock as I can get, so care or not, I doubt I will take him up on his offer.

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