Come enjoy cheap phone sex as I’m lying here covered in drying jizz with my head flying. It’s a good day to be Blakely. I just had a devil’s three-way with these two boys. They didn’t know they were here for a fuck. I was so goddamn high I reached over and started rubbing my pussy through my leggings with my legs spread open. The first one I caught looking at me, I told him to lick it. I said to the other one to feed his big dick to me. Y’all, it was good. Now I’m alone and want to get my pussy off with you.
I’m ready for your filthiest wishes over here with my sloppy wet pussy and junk whore mouth for you to use. If we haven’t talked before, I hope that you’ll call me to get some bullshit off your chest and nut out of your balls. Are you the kind of man that would lick the young cum off of me, or would you add your own? It’s just everywhere, the cum, I mean. Jesus fuck, anyway, I’m horny right now. I just got fucked real good, but I need more. Give me a taboo call.